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L. C. Arlington - ARLINGTON L. C. The Chinese Drama, from the earliest times until to-day. A Panoramic Study of the Art in China, tracing its Origin and describing its Actors

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Afbeelding: L. C.  Arlington - ARLINGTON L. C. The Chinese Drama, from the earliest times until to-day. A Panoramic Study of the Art in China, tracing its Origin and describing its Actors
Schrijver: L. C. Arlington
Titel: ARLINGTON L. C. The Chinese Drama, from the earliest times until to-day. A Panoramic Study of the Art in China, tracing its Origin and describing its Actors
Uitgever: Kelly and Walsh, Limited, Shanghai, 1930
Bijzonderheid: Illustrated Hardcover, 1900 gr,
Prijs: € 499,00
Meer info ARLINGTON L. C.
The Chinese Drama, from the earliest times until to-day. A Panoramic Study of the Art in China, tracing its Origin and describing its Actors (in both Male and Female rĂ´les): their Costumes and Make-up, Superstitions and Stage Slang: the accompanying Music and Musical Instruments: concluding with Synopses of Thirty Chinese Plays. With a Pien by Mei Lan-fang and a Foreword by H.A. Giles


First Edition, first printing.
Beautiful decorated original hardcover with decorated endpapers
115 colour plates, illustrations, no. 196 of 750 copies signed by author A. C. Arlington
Condition: good some small wear to spine, inside clean, beautiful fresh colors, very good condition for book from 1930...
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The most beautiful book on chinese opera

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