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Josse, Armand (ed.). - Anvers mondain. Year 1 (1904) - 3 (1905-06), CONTINUED AS: Le carnet mondain, théâtral, littéraire et sportif. - Anvers, Year 6 (1908-09) -11 (1910-11), 14 (1913-14).

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Schrijver: Josse, Armand (ed.).
Titel: Anvers mondain. Year 1 (1904) - 3 (1905-06), CONTINUED AS: Le carnet mondain, théâtral, littéraire et sportif. - Anvers, Year 6 (1908-09) -11 (1910-11), 14 (1913-14).
Bijzonderheid: Anvers, Le Carnet Mondain, 1904-1914, numerous illustrations, programmes, adverts, contemporary unif. gilt brown halfmorocco with raised bands and marbled boards, marbled endpapers, original unif. wrappers in Art Nouveau-style by G. Roosen bound w...
Prijs: € 750,00
€ 5,50
Meer info = Contains a wealth of information about theatre, music and nightlife in Antwerp in the Belle Epoque. "Anvers Mondain" was a weekly magazine that appeared in Antwerp from October 1904 to March 1914. Each issue (usually 20 pages, sometimes more) contains the program of all theatrical performances (both Dutch and French) in Antwerp and Brussels, but also an important section of society news with news about parties, engagements and marriages, news about literature, concerts, events. The last volumes also have a financial section: "Le Petit Carnet Financier", with investment tips. Each issue has pictures of actors and actresses. There are also hundreds of intersting advertisements, often designed in Art Nouveau style, about women's clothing, "préservatifs" (condoms) and "accoucheuses discrètes" (abortion), but also for instance for the bookbinder Jaak Mössly. Articles i.a. by editor-in-chief Arman Josse, Maurice Aebly, Henri Morisse, Guy Tare and others. Each issue appeared in a regular edition for sale at theaters (10 cents) and a deluxe edition (20 cents). These convolutes contain the deluxe editions. The publisher "Le Carnet Mondain" had started "Bruxelles Mondain" in 1900; after Antwerp also "Ostende Mondain" and "Tournai Mondain" were introduced. In 1914, "Anvers Mondain" fell victim to the First World War, but also to the fierce competition from the emerging cinemas. In an editorial in 1913, Armand Josse denounced that there were SIX cinemas in the Rue Neuve in Brussels alone and he demanded that there be a stop to settling. Despite its incompleteness (the vols. 4-5 and 12-13 are missing), this is a mer à boire (3,000+ pages) about the theatrical, musical and fashionable life of Antwerp in the Belle Epoque.Outer margin partly slightly waterstained (but without gluing together).
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