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Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll’s House
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Afbeelding: | |
Schrijver: | Ibsen, Henrik |
Titel: | A Doll’s House |
ISBN: | 9781350116788 |
Uitgever: | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC |
Bijzonderheid: | 2020 136pp Paperback / softback |
Prijs: |
€ 20,60
Meer info | Flaptekst This revised Student Edition of Ibsen's popular play contains introductory commentary and notes by Sophie Duncan, which offer a contemporary lens on the play's gender politics and consider seminal productions and adaptations of the play into the 21st century. As well as the complete text of the play itself, this new Methuen Drama Student Edition includes a: · Chronology of the play and Ibsen's life and work· Discussion of the social, political, cultural and economic context in which the play was originally conceived and created· Overview of the creation processes followed and performance history of the play, including recent performances such as a 2012 short film adaptation and a stage adaptation set in colonial Calcutta.· Analysis of some of the major themes and specific issues addressed by the play, such as whether it's a feminist play and its author a feminist· Bibliography of suggested primary and secondary materials for further study Ibsen's 1879 play shocked its first audiences with its radical insights into the social roles of husband and wife. His portrayal of the caged 'songbird' in his flawed heroine Nora remains one of the most striking dramatic depictions of the late 19th century woman. |
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